27 April 2008

27 April 2008


Over the past several months, we as a community have seen more than a few changes. But isn’t that just like life – changing, never stagnant, moving and growing and stretching – sometimes in obvious ways but many times in quiet and hidden ways? So too, the Spirit, the Advocate, moves and breathes in ways that are many times unseen or even go unnoticed.

The other day I was listening to a presentation on spiritual guidance and was fascinated by one comment that was made. The woman remarked that at one point in her life she came head on to the realization that she was not the Holy Spirit. Now, that may seem a rather strange thing to say, but she was speaking in the context of control.

In this day and age of control – “I have to get control of my life”, “I need to control how this or that will turn out”, “I have no control!” – it seems almost odd to be asked to surrender our wills, not to mention our hearts and minds, to anything beyond our control. And yet in faith, that is precisely what we do in order to hear the voice of God deep within. We are moved, nudged, prodded by the Spirit to take time amid the busyness of daily life to enter into a holy and silent listening. May we always take time to notice, to listen for, the voice of the Spirit in our community and our lives!

Peace on the Journey

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