11 May 2008

11 May 2008


In what feels like a very short time, the way we live has become, well, more cautious It wasn't all that many years ago when we did not have to lock our cars when running into the grocery store for a few things, we did not have to lock the doors to our homes even when going next door to talk with our neighbor, and many people did not lock their doors even at night. We password protect our computers and documents. Even our identities can be stolen. These days, it just isn't safe any more to leave things unlocked; unprotected. This is certainly a matter of safety and security, but I wonder if it also a matter of fear. Fear that we may lose something of value, fear that our privacy will be invaded, fear that a stranger will enter into our lives.

It is striking that the very first line of today's gospel is so up front in telling us the disciples were behind locked doors because they were afraid (John 20:19). Cannot we resonate with that in our own lives? And yet, Jesus breaks into their midst saying, not once, but twice: "Peace be with you". What a gift - to break the chains of fear with four simple, but profound, words!

God give us the grace to unlock our doors - the doors to our hearts - and be a people who recognizes that we are all part of the same body - the People of God - and that there really are no strangers among us in faith. Although we are each different/unique individuals, it is in our collective humanity and through our baptism that we are united - not as strangers, but as beloved children of God.

May we continue to welcome all who enter the doors of St. Thomas with the spirit of graciousness and warmth that is the hallmark of our community.

Peace on the Journey

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