20 April 2008

20 April 2008


Choices…there are so many these days! In our younger days, perhaps one of the BIG choices was what to wear to school (unless we attended a school that required we wear uniforms). Life seemed simpler when there weren’t so many choices to make. Way back when I was contemplating what to go to school for beyond high school, the solid choices for females (according to my dad) were either nursing or teaching, and he wisely counseled that it would be easier to get a job if I chose nursing because the teacher “market” was pretty flooded. These days our teens have many more educational choices. I’m not sure if more is better, at least for me. But it is what it is.

The readings today speak about choices; choosing to be more specific. The apostles were made aware of the need for help in tending to the needs of the people and chose seven from among the community to fill this need (Acts 6:1-7). Peter writes that Christ was chosen and precious in the sight of God and that we too are God’s chosen – God’s own people (1 Peter 2:4-9). The gospel asks us to make a choice – to choose to have faith in Jesus and to believe in him (John 14:1-12).

So…what does all this have to do with us and our community of St. Thomas? We are a community that firmly believes God is deeply in love with us. Each person is made in God’s own image and God dwells within everyone. This is not by our own design but is the choice and will of God. We are God’s chosen and respond by reflecting the light of Christ through our love and care for each other and all of creation. Among all the other choices we make, big and small, every day, we are also asked to choose to share life and love – God’s love – with those who cross our path. May we always make that choice!

Peace on the Journey

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