04 May 2008

4 May 2008


In Jesus’ prayer reflected in John’s gospel today, it is so very evident Jesus knew exactly who he was, who his disciples were, and to whom he and they belonged – to God! (John 17:1-11)Both he and they – and we – are God’s beloved. And while Jesus was soon to ascend to his Father, his disciples throughout the ages would remain in the world to continue Jesus’ work – serve, teach, pray, tend, and above all love. This is not always easy work. Sometimes we forget if but for a little while, who we are and what we are to be.

As a community of faith, we have navigated through many changes but we have also grown so very much during our short years together as St. Thomas the Apostle. The key is that we have done so together. We have grown because we have felt a deep connection with one another and with those in the wider community and the world. We have welcomed the stranger with open arms, offering those who are weary a safe place to rest and refresh. We have heard the voices of the vulnerable and have been their advocates. We have formed ourselves into a community of faith marked with wisdom and a spirit of humility and joy. And we have grown in the knowledge that we are all branches destined to bear much fruit on the vine that is Christ. This has become our identity; one might even say our uniqueness, as a faith community. Let us always remember who we have grown to be as a community and whose we are – God’s beloved.

Peace on the Journey

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