17 August 2008

17 August 2008

Greetings Friends,

As we wind down into the final weeks of August, I can't help but think of the upcoming school year. What a busy time of preparation this is for many - accumulating school supplies and clothes, registering for classes, leaving home for college for some, teachers preparing and finalizing lesson plans, and on and on. We notice in some children great anticipation in returning to school with thoughts of meeting both old and new friends. And then there are probably some who are quite anxious about the whole thing - perhaps they will be attending a new school where they know no one and wondering, even fretting over how they will be accepted by the other students. It's tough to be the "new kid" in school; a stranger to literally everyone. Been there, done that.

Imagine being in a place where we do not feel comfortable, let alone welcome. Imagine mustering up the courage to speak what is on our mind and in our heart in the midst of strangers. And now imagine having our very presence seemingly dismissed as inappropriate or insignificant. Perhaps the feelings this scenario evokes in us are feelings akin to those of the Canaanite woman as she made the decision to approach Jesus and pleaded with him to heal her daughter (Matthew 15:22-28). After all, Jesus was a Jew and she a "dreaded and hated" Canaanite. And yet this woman of courage and strength believed in Jesus' power to hear, trusted that he would receive her request with compassion, and had faith that he would indeed heal her daughter. All this is evident in her persistence in refusing to be pushed aside and sent away.

Perhaps the story of the persistence of this woman can give us an inkling of the way God pursues us - unceasingly, relentlessly, every moment of every day. Perhaps the compassion of Jesus in healing the woman's daughter can touch our hearts in a way that encourages us to continue reaching out to others both near and far sharing God's love for us with generosity and compassion.

May we trust in the abundant Love of God to bring joy and peace to our hearts.

Peace on the Journey

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