25 October 2008

26 October 2008

Greetings Friends,

In years past, and perhaps even in our present time, recess at school was a time for play. And play, at least years ago, included activities such as baseball, kick ball, or dodge ball. Unsurprisingly, two of the most athletic or popular kids in the class would be designated as the captains of each team and would choose their team members from among their classmates who were all standing together. One by one the captains would call off names of the kids they wanted on their team. Inevitably there would be two or three or four left and these were deemed by the captains as perhaps the least athletic or popular kids in the class. It’s tough to be picked last; it’s tough to be considered by our classmates as unworthy. It hurts our feelings.

As we grow in faith though, we come to realize through Scripture and faith formation that God chooses each and every one of us at the very beginning of our lives. God shows no partiality, God values each life and God loves each person without measure – no matter who we are, no matter our “status” in life, no matter what! And God is with us every single moment of every day. In return, as we grow to come to know God in our lives, we understand that God asks something of us in return: to love. To love God with our whole being and to love others as ourselves. God blesses each and every one of us with talents and gifts that are not intended for only ourselves. We are meant to share ourselves and all the goodness and blessings God gives us with others in our own individual and unique ways. This is a tall order at times. And yet, we are invited to accept this task and to fulfill it as best we can.

May we ponder with awe what it means to be chosen by God, and know that God’s deep and abiding Love is with us always to strengthen, sustain, uplift, and console us.

Peace on the Journey

19 October 2008

19 October 2008

Greetings Friends!

As I write this week, which is a week before this will be published, it’s a dreary, cloudy autumn day. Outside my window are the last few roses clinging to the bushes, some leafless shrubs, fields of corn that have already been harvested leaving cornstalk stubbles amid a mass of brown. These are sure signs of winters’ inevitable approach during which one often really has to search in a determined way to find signs of life and growth in nature. The older I get, the more I dislike winter – the snowy and icy roads, the cold, the cloudy days, the howling wind. And yet, I have to remind myself that winter is nature’s resting period where strength is gained for the new life that will emerge in spring.

From where I sit this afternoon, I can see one small tree which is barely noticeable. But when I do take the time to really notice, this tree is filled with many colored leaves. And on a dreary day such as today, this little tree shouts out with its vivid color that there is hope. It is a very tangible reminder that with the onset of autumn and the approach of winter, there remains the promise that spring will indeed follow with its own colors, freshness and brightness.

In our darkest times, whether illness, grief, financial difficulties, or spiritual dryness, God is always with us – even when we do not consciously sense God’s presence. God is with us in both the dark and light loving us with an abundant and relentless love, walking with us every moment of our lives.

May we walk through the seasons of our lives together comforted by God’s constant companionship.

Peace on the Journey.

12 October 2008

12 October 2008

Greetings Friends,

Growing up with five brothers and sisters wasn't always easy. I often used to long for some alone time - time when I could just be by myself. Gosh, I still find myself searching for time alone to ponder, to rest, to just simply be. I'm guessing most of us do the same from time to time. And yet, there's something about being around people, being part of a community that cares about and for us and nourishes us. For me, St. Thomas the Apostle is that sort of community of people. We are here for one another and offer each other what we are able as best we can. This community is strong in faith - in the belief that God deeply loves us and God is the One who ultimately provides the strength we need to be who we are and to do what we do...together!

Let's take some time to ponder what it means to be community, and rest in the knowledge that through God's love we can accomplish great things.

Peace on the Journey

05 October 2008

5 October 2008

Greetings Friends,

At some point within the next several weeks, we will notice something different in our worship space: a new platform for our Altar and Ambo. The current platforms have served us well for the past six years, but are now showing many signs of wear. The new raised ares, designed and to be build by Roger Mayer, will be large enough for both the Altar and Ambo and will extend back to the wall which will allow for more room for our priest presider and deacon. Roger will incorporate the two existing heating/AC vents into the platform. It will be 1-1/2 inch shorter and will be carpeted only on the top surface with a nice wood finish on the sides. This should make stepping on and off the platform easier for all who minister in any way during liturgy. In addition, at communion time all our Eucharistic ministers, along with our priest and deacon will be able to be on the same level, making ministering communion to each Eucharistic minister and our Servers easier. Through generous donations, the cost to construct this new platform has already been paid for!

As we continue to care for and nourish one another as community, may we always find peace in knowing the abundant and constant Love of God in our lives.

Peace on the Journey