22 November 2008

23 November 2008

Greetings Friends,

These days, with our national economy in such a state of strain (to say the least), it can be difficult not to think about the countless people who are affected. There are those who are now and have been unemployed and those who are homeless, living in poverty and unable to secure or provide even the basic necessities for themselves and their families. All this and more. These are truly tough times for a great many people. Though none of us can single-handedly do much to eliminate or ease the desperation of so many, we can do something…

The gospel today (Matthew 25: 31-46) gives us guidance in this regard. Taking to heart and living the “positives” of this gospel we can make a difference – one person at a time. The key is how we tend to one another: “When I was hungry…when I was thirsty…when I was ill…” cries out for us to stop and think, and then to respond in generosity. As a faith community, we have done and continue to do much good in this regard!

As we approach our national holiday of Thanksgiving, we are reminded of all the ways we have been blessed and provided for. Our loving God has given each of us abundance – perhaps not in status, financial security, or world-defined success and material possessions – but in God’s constant and unconditional love. At baptism we receive the Light of Christ, a Light that is not meant for only ourselves, but to be shared. This is the great responsibility of our gift of Christian life. Individually we may not have the means to eliminate poverty or solve the current financial crisis. But, there is one very apparent and meaningful way we can be the Light of Christ to others: we can share with others the gift of ourselves – our time, our presence, our listening ear, our comfort and our support. And we can share with those around us, near and far, the Good News of God’s deep and abiding love.

May we ponder all the ways we have been so wonderfully blessed, no matter our circumstances, and give thanks to God!

Peace on the Journey

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