03 January 2009

Wise People: 4 January 2009

Feast of Epiphany

Dear Friends,

I know next to nothing about astronomy. Oh, I can pick out both the big and little dipper in the clear night time sky and that little diamond-shaped star configuration whose name I do not know and can only see if I don’t look directly at it. But star gazing on a clear night is a delight even on these cold winter nights when the stars appear even brighter. It is also a very humbling experience. So vast and awesome is the universe and how tiny one can feel reflecting on what we can see of it. Certainly the Magi were much more astute in reading the signs of the stars (and times) – and one star in particular.

The Magi are traditionally referred to as the three wise men who noticed and witnessed the light – the star rising in the sky – and recognized the Light of the newborn Messiah. Are we not all called to be magi? To be wise people? We are wise people when we recognize and embrace the great gift of God’s breaking into the world in human form to live among us and with us and for us in flesh and blood. We are wise people when we allow God's Light and and Love for us to shatter through any darkness in our lives - sadness, pain, grief - to soothe, comfort, and grow ever brighter and stronger as we journey through and along. We are wise people when we open up and offer our true treasures – the gift of ourselves and our unique talents – and share them in a spirit of compassion and humility. We are wise people when we recognize there is another “way” to go, not only “our way”. And we are wise people, knowing we are not alone, when we place our trust in God’s constant Love, presence, and guidance…even (and especially) when we don’t know the way.

Peace on the Journey.

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