07 February 2009

Into the Desert: 8 February 2009

Dear Friends,

Many years ago I took my first trip to visit my aunt who at that time lived in southern New Mexico. One of the fun things we did was to spend an afternoon exploring the desert surrounding the little town where she lived. When I thought of desert, images of barrenness, lifelessness (except for snakes and other creepy creatures) and sand came to mind. After all, aren’t deserts desolate and deserted places? And who would want to willingly go to such a place, much less spend an entire afternoon there anyway?

In the gospel according to Mark (1:35) we find Jesus going “off to a deserted place, where he prayed”. Though only 35 verses into this gospel, it’s already the second time he went off on his own – into the desert; to a deserted place. Mark’s gospel does move along very quickly and the surrounding verses of this first Chapter are filled with activity – Jesus’ baptism, his many healings, teaching, the calling of some of his inner circle of disciples. His “fame” spread quickly, so much so that it must have become nearly impossible for Jesus to find the time to go off alone – to spend time in silence to rest, to ponder his life’s work, and to connect in an intimate way with his Abba, Father. And yet, he deliberately makes the time to do just that.

Let’s face it, we lead very busy lives. It’s the nature of our culture, society and upbringing to focus on doing. Remember the old saying, “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop”? Many (most?) of us are not very comfortable with silence. We may not find it easy or even desirable to go into the deserted place of our core being. After all, who knows what we might find there? Darkness, regret, painful memories, isolation, and other “creepy creatures” waiting to taunt us. And yet, it is within those deep recesses of our being, and through our willingness to go there, where we will come to discover not a barren desert of aloneness but the presence of the Sacred – the initial dim flicker of Light that beckons us and grows ever stronger and brighter guiding us, walking with us and leading us toward a deeper way of connecting with and being grasped by the truth of God’s abundant Love.

My experience of the New Mexico desert was truly an eye-opening experience. It was not at all what I had imagined. Instead of a barren and lifeless place, it was graced with green growth, colorful flowers, grazing cattle, intriguing rock formations, a mountainous landscape that delighted my spirit and…one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen.

Imagine how richly God will surprise us as we dare to enter into our desert!

Peace on the Journey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for such vivid and meaningful imagery!