22 May 2009

Remembering: 24 May 2009

Dear Friends,

With Memorial Day being celebrated this weekend, cemeteries are busy places this week. Many go to replace winter decorations with new ones or plant flowers at the graves of their loved ones. Tombstones of veterans are marked with the country’s flag. As I made the hour and a half trek to pay a visit to my dad’s grave this week for that same purpose, I couldn’t help being flooded with memories – some difficult ones but many good ones. I feel a connection through remembering that will never be broken. And as I stood there remembering, something inside pushed me toward the here and now.

In Acts (1:9-11) Jesus ascended and while his disciples were watching intently, two men clothed in white appeared and asked, “Why are you standing there looking at the sky?” My initial reaction to the question is, “Why not?” Their friend, teacher, mentor had just vanished from their sight and they would not see him again. Why do we go to visit our departed loved ones at cemeteries and mausoleums and perhaps linger for a while? I think to remember – them, their life, their connection with us that continues through our remembering. Ah, but there’s more to the question of the white-clad men than the simple and obvious. Perhaps it’s an invitation to take our memories and remembering and put them into action – to continue the good of the life that once was physically with us.

Especially this weekend, may we be grateful for all who served to ensure our freedom and for all no longer with us in this life as we decorate and plant and linger and remember.

Peace on the Journey

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