18 September 2009

Sustained: 20 September 2009

This is such a beautiful time of year. Being out and about several times over the past couple of weeks I’ve had the opportunity to watch as little by little the vibrant colors of the landscape begin to emerge. With each day the various wooded areas change in appearance showing bright and muted oranges, yellows, reds, and browns. This is also a busy time of year for those who are gardeners. Much of the late vegetable harvest is ripening and all too soon the gardens will need cleaning out. Leaves have begun to fall from the trees, some would say littering their yards, and so the seemingly unending fall task of raking begins. All too soon that first “killing” frost will arrive and this season of beauty will fade into the deep, long rest of winter.

It has become uncommon to hear the psalm of the day as it is written in the lectionary proclaimed or sung at Sunday service in the Catholic Church (at least in our area). Often we are blessed with hearing another psalm or the same one but with slightly different words sung by cantor or choir. I write this not make a judgment but merely to state an observation. This week I made a point of reading the psalm for this Sunday and found in it one line that really sticks in my mind and heart: “…the Lord sustains my life” (Psalm 54:6). Through all the seasons of time and life no matter what they bring, our Sacred Creator, Companion and Protector is always so deeply intertwined in the fabric of life sustaining all that is with gentle care and love.

We have become so prone to turn our thoughts toward the future, wondering what the next day, week, month, season or year will bring. We plan, make preparations for gatherings and holidays, schedule vacations and appointments. But for all our careful planning, at times life just doesn’t go according to plan; we find out we really aren’t the ones in control. Sometimes we may feel so overwhelmed – with work, busyness, grief, sadness, disappointment, even with the sameness of our daily routine. But there are other times, if we happen to take the time to observe, when we are delightfully surprised at something so ordinary, almost routine, and yet at the same time a most profound sight, insight or revelation it simply takes our breath away. And when we do take notice, we come to realize how blessed we are – how we can feel so utterly sustained by a Sacred sunrise masterpiece.

Peace on the Journey.

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