20 November 2009

Giving Thanks: 22 November 2009

While on our daily walk through the pasture on Wednesday the Eastern bluebirds were once again spotted fluttering around the field and nearby trees. It just feels so unusual to see them this time of year. Surely they should have been long gone to a place of warmer weather. For their lingering I am thankful. As we approached the woods, a very familiar rustling sound was heard. Though I didn't see it, I knew from past experience it was the would of a deer moving through the trees just beyond the rise of the hill safe for a few more days from the avid hunters in the family. I've grown very fond of these daily walks in the wide open spaces of nature - the changing colors of the landscape, the crispness of the air, the distinct smells of crop harvesting and field plowing, the sound of honking geese flying in V formation high in the sky. For all this wonder I am truly grateful.

After having observed the beauty and abundance of spring and summer it is so appropriate we celebrate Thanksgiving this time of year for there is much to be thankful for: life, health, love, home, comfort, children, grandchildren, family, friends... Even the struggles and challenges and sadness that may have come along this past year are events that warrant gratefulness for they do have a way of moving our hearts and minds closer toward the Holy, if we open ourselves to their gentle nudging (or pushing).

As we sit down for our holiday meal, let us consider all the people, things, and events that have graced our lives and join our hearts and thoughts with the psalmist with gratitude in saying, "I thank you, Lord, with all my heart" (Psalm 138:1) for all the ways our Sacred Provider abundantly loves us and blesses our lives.

Peace on the Journey.

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