02 January 2010

Getting Our Attention: 4 January 2010

The other day as I was working at the computer I heard a rather loud knock on the window. The thud resembled the familiar sound of a bird hitting the window but I thought that couldn't be; not at this time of the year. It's a rather common happening in spring and summer but not during the winter months. After only a few moments there was a rapid succession of taps that called for investigation. Carefully and slowly I peeked through the blinds and there he was - a downy woodpecker tapping on the window trim. Thinking it odd, as to my knowledge it was the first time it ever happened, my eyes moved to the suet cage which was empty. It was as if this little bird letting me know he was hungry and I had better get more suet out there for him. I promptly went to the cupboard and got out a fresh block of suet and put it outside for my feathered friend, who quickly went about feeding on it. As I watched, I was reminded that he is important and worth my attention because he is a part of the great many sights and sounds of nature that bring sheer joy to my heart and spirit.

As we Christians celebrate the feast of Epiphany, the manifestation or appearance of the Lord, we are reminded that there are absolutely no limits to the love of our Sacred Creator - all are loved deeply and unconditionally no matter by what name we call our God: Allah, Yahweh, Elohim, Jehovah, Adonai, Abba, or simply Higher Power. To the Holy One we all are important. A question to ponder: Who in our world, our neighborhoods, our circle of acquaintances is in need of our attention and how can we respond?

Peace on the Journey.

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