13 February 2010

A Lesson of Candles: 14 February 2010

As I read through the passage from the prophet Jeremiah (17:5-8) this week, I couldn't help feeling how deeply it resonated with the "funk" I've been feeling the past few days - " like a barren bush in the desert...standing in a lava waste, a salt and empty earth". I think many of us can relate to that same feeling at times for a variety of reasons. My reason at this point in time is the nearness of the anniversary of deaths of dear ones in my life and the memories evoked of both the lives and deaths of these most loved ones and the pain of grieving. But, like the "tree planted beside the waters" moving through the grief process, for me, eventually provided the opportunity to discover anew that the "roots" of my whole being could indeed once again be "stretched out to the stream" of Love and Companionship of the Sacred One and trust that the Divine was, and always will be so very close deep within the core of my being. And so this week I offer a different twist to my posting:

It was by pure chance (or was it Divine intervention?) that the trio of candles were lit one night as I sat in deep, numbing grief following the death of a loved one. No other lights were on in the house and I sat in loneliness when slowly my eyes focused on the candles across the darkened room. Watching the movements of the flames, so different yet burning and reaching high and low in unison, imaged for me the presence of the Divine in this deepest and darkest of life times. To truly behold something, to take in all that is visible both outwardly and within, has the potential of transporting the heart and mind to a place where Divine Love speaks within the inner recesses of our spirit. If we dare to listen and be open to the Holy whispers, we will begin to be molded and shaped by the Sacred Holy Fire that burns within us always - even during the driest and darkest of times.

Beholding the Divine Fire

God in the flame of the candle
burning in the dim light –
quietly molding, shaping,
changing the center –
the core.

Oh to be the wax
that yields so willingly
to the dance of the Flame.
To be shaped and reshaped;
created anew!

Flame of Light with burning desire
for one purpose –
to melt away the darkness
into a new creation
that needs only the Flame
to be whole.
And in that wholeness
to dance the eternal dance
of Light
and Love

Peace on the Journey.

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