13 July 2008

6 & 13 July 2008

Greetings Friends!

Several years ago, when I had the opportunity to take a course in homiletics (preaching), we were told, "Sometimes you just have to talk about the 'tough stuff'". This weekend's Gospel (July 13th; Matthew 13: 1-23) brings to mind some of that "tough stuff" through the familiar parable about the sower and begs us to ask ourselves, "What is my soil like? - What lies at the core of my heart?"

One day last week in the checkout line at the grocery store, the cashier announced my bill as "X" dollars and some odd cents. Well, I had no change with me that day and handed her all paper money. The woman behind me said, "Don't worry, I have the change covered" and proceeded to give the cashier the correct amount of change. I was totally shocked, and pleased, by this act of kindness and generosity from someone I did not know. After leaving the store, I stopped to put gas in the car. There was a long line of people waiting to pay the cashier. I decided to allow the person behind me to pay ahead of me but much to my dismay, this person just pushed ahead of me, thwarting my well-laid plan to share the kindness I had received at the grocery checkout. The lesson is simple: kindness received can lead to kindness given. The condition of our soil does indeed become evident in how we view and respond to others at a relational level, and often is an indicator of how we view and embrace our relationship with God.

It's all about seeing and hearing - noticing the attitudes and values we hold in our hearts and lives, listening for and to the voice of God within our hearts and our world, and discerning where we may need to tend to our inner soil so that we can respond in love to both our passionate God and to those we encounter.

May we walk with each other as a community of faith, allowing the Spirit's life-giving breath to touch our lives and hearts.

Peace on the Journey

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