01 June 2008

1 June 2008


The other day while mowing the lawn, I took notice of the little white birdhouse that is hanging on a short, sawed off limb i none of our trees. For the third year in a row, a pair of Eastern bluebirds reside in it and faithfully tend to the tiny blue eggs in the carefully crafted nest. Surprisingly this tiny house still hung firmly in place after an extremely windy night - one so windy that it blew the swing set in our yard over on its side! Mother bird is very determined indeed. Even the roar of the lawnmower would not cause her to abandon her nest, even momentarily. Father bird keeps himself busy standing watch and "bringing home the bacon" so to speak, as he frequently brings his mate something to eat. Though this birdhouse does not appear to have a solid foundation, it is apparent these birds have chosen wisely, as the short, stubby branch on which this birdhouse is hung is sheltered by the solid foundation of the other branches on the large tree. It is also very apparent these small creatures are in tune with the concept of "we" - we're in this together.

Jesus reminds us that if we build our house on rock it will not collapse (Matthew 7:24-25). When we build our faith and nurture our hearts based on trust in God, keeping Christ as our center, we ill indeed have a solid foundation. When we truly accept and live the concept of "we" as branches together on the same vine that is Christ, it serves to strengthen not only our faith but our community as well. This is a community that has not been comfortable with the language of division - there has been no "us" and "them"; no "you' and "I". The community of St. Thomas the Apostle was formed as "we" - just like the bluebird pair - we've known from the start that our growth as community would be accomplished together and through the grace of God. Together we can continue to serve one another, care for one another, believe in one another, and love one another.

May we continue to notice the movements of God within and around us and always remember how deeply and passionately God loves every one of us.

Peace on the Journey

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