15 June 2008

15 June 2008


One day in April I was traveling the back roads to an appointment. It was a beautiful spring day: warm, the country side was green with new growth birds were chirping with glee, a male pheasant stood proudly on the roadside displaying his beautiful colors. I couldn't help taking in all the beauty and thinking about the wonder of this season of new life. As I neared my destination, I passed through a wooded patch. A Deer Crossing sign alerted drivers of the potential hazard of deer dashing out onto the road. Just a little way past the sign, I noticed a tiny fawn standing in the ditch all alone. This seemed so strange - I had never before seen such a young one alone. He (or she) seemed lost and just stood there looking up the roadside to the north. After driving a mere quarter mile farther, there she was, lying contorted and motionless on her side, belly bloated, lifeless - presumably the doe that bore the young, lost fawn. I often wonder what ever became of that little lost and abandoned fawn. Did it survive? Did some other doe take on the task of raising it?

I don't know if deer, or other animals for that matter, ever feel troubled. Bit it was apparent to me that this little spotted fawn felt abandoned, lost, because she (or he) now had no one as guide and teacher and nurturer. And my heart ached for this little one.

Jesus' heart was moved with pity at the sight of the troubled and abandoned crowd. And he sent out his disciples to tend to them. There are two lessons in today's gospel (Matthew 9:36 - 10:8) for us: we too are to go out and tend to those who are in need, to care for and about others around us - people we know and those we may not yet know, traveling along together on the journey bringing hope, life, and the love of Christ in all that we say and do according to our gifts and talents. The second lesson is that we too need not feel lost or abandoned or like sheep without a shepherd, but ever hopeful. For God is always with us, God grasps us by the hand and is woven deeply into our being, and God draws us near through God's deep and passionate love for each and everyone. Wow! God is awesome indeed!

May we celebrate with joy all that is good - in life, in faith, in each other.

Peace on the Journey

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