22 June 2008

22 June 2008

Greetings Friends!

The continuing saga of the Eastern bluebirds: My curiosity got the better of me on Sunday and I peered once again into the little white birdhouse handing in our tree. There they were, a mass of feathers, now showing some distinct markings. Three sets of eyes peered back at me and I couldn't help but tell the tiny but growing creatures they would soon be leaving the comfort of the nest and testing their wings. Lo and behold, as I passed by the window this morning just before heading to work, there they were - all five of them, Mother, Father, and the three younglings perched on the crossbar of our clothesline post. The had indeed left their nest! It was a rather amusing sight to behold. One by one, the parents would coax the little ones off the crossbar into flight. It seemed one of the young ones was very tentative about taking flight. Perhaps she (or he) was afraid. Finally, Father Bird seemed to be having quite a discussion with the little straggler. And after another few minutes this young one gathered the courage to make a glorious and successful flight from the crossbar to the garden's edge...and back again!

I can't help but reflect on today's gospel in light of this initially tentative little bluebird (Matthew 10:26-33). Jesus, three times, speaks to his disciples about fear. He tells them twice "do not be afraid" and once to "fear no one". As people of faith, baptized in the Name of our Triune God, we are to speak our faith with our very lives - in all that we say, do, and are. For when we know deep within our very soul and fully embrace that it is Christ who is our center, we have nothing to fear! Oh, God may prompt us, push us, urge us to stretch beyond where we often times would rather not go. But the good news is that God will never abandon us. We are called to be people who "speak in the light" proclaiming from the housetops the constant and abundant Love our gracious God has for each and every person, creature...all of creation! And by boldly witnessing to God's Love through who we are and what we do and say, we really need fear nothing and no one.

Peace on the Journey

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